Time Delay Relays

What is a True Off Delay Timer?

Monday: March 28, 2022

Issue: What is the difference between an "Off Delay" & a "True Off Delay" time delay relay, and when is the True Off Delay function used? Solution/Resolution: Pneumatic time delay relays worked great, but they were normally very large & very expensive.  In addition, they were only available in two functions: On Delay with Normally  Read More...

Understanding Time Delay Relay Functions

Thursday: October 17, 2019

Issue: What is the difference between On Delay, Off Delay, Single Shot, Interval On and all these other time delay functions? Solution/Resolution: Understanding the differences between all the functions available in time delay relays can sometimes be a daunting task. When designing circuits using time delay relays, questions such as what initiates a time delay relay, Read More...

TD-881 Series DIP Switch Programming

Tuesday: July 30, 2019

Macromatic offers one of the widest varieties of time delay relays (sometimes referred to timing relays or timers) on the market today The online Interactive Programming Guide makes it simple to set up to 16 field-selectable time delay functions. Read More...

Using Time Delay Relays to Cycle a Traffic Signal

Wednesday: December 19, 2018

Issue: I have an old traffic signal that I would like to cycle through the Green-Yellow-Red lights. Can this be done with time delay relays? Solution/Resolution: This simple solution can be done with one Interval ON (TD1) & two Single Shot (TD2 & TD3) time delay relays. Wire the three time delay relays & traffic  Read More...

Replacement of Obsolete SS-4 Series Time Delay Relays

Wednesday: November 14, 2018

Issue: How do I convert from an obsolete SS-4 product with a spade base socket to one with an octal base socket? Solution/Resolution: The Macromatic SS-4 spade base products were obsoleted on August 1, 2010. If you have an application that uses an SS-4 product and need a replacement, you have two options: (a) switch Read More...

What happens when a time delay relay trigger is closed before voltage is applied?

Tuesday: March 13, 2018

Issue: I am using a time delay relay with a triggered function. My trigger switch will be closed before I apply voltage to the time delay relay. Will this work? Solution/Resolution: In a typical application with a triggered time delay relay, voltage is first applied to the timer, then the trigger is applied to begin the function. Some applications, however, require the trigger to be closed before voltage is applied. Most Macromatic time delay relays will recognize the trigger when applied prior to the application of voltage, however, some will not. Read More...

True Off Delay Timer energized without input voltage

Wednesday: November 1, 2017

Issue: The output relay appears to be already energized on my True Off Delay timer without any input voltage applied.  It was that way when I received it or I found it in that state during installation.  What happened and how do I fix it? Read More...

Macromatic's TR-6 Series Time Delay Relays Redesign

Wednesday: February 22, 2017

The Macromatic TR-6 Series Time Ranger programmable time delay relays have gone through an extensive redesign that was introduced in February 2017.  Read More...

Wiring Control (Trigger) Switches from Multiple Time Delay Relays in Parallel

Tuesday: February 21, 2017

Issue #1: I have the control switches from 5 separate OFF Delay time delay relays from other manufacturers wired in parallel so one switch can operate all 5 at once.  However, when I replaced one of the original units with yours, the Macromatic product operated once and then stopped working.  What’s wrong? Read More...

Differences Between the Obsolete SS-5 & SS-6 Series Time Delay Relays vs. Current TR-5 & TR-6 Series

Monday: February 13, 2017

The SS-5 Series and SS-6 Series of plug-in time delay relays were manufactured by Macromatic through the summer of 1999. At that time, they were replaced by the TR-5 & TR-6 Series, the next generation of Macromatic plug-in time delay relays. The TR-5 Series was further updated in 2012 and a redesigned TR-6 Series was introduced in 2017 with major changes. Read More...

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